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Monday, November 22, 2010


So on Friday evening, I went to fetch the mail. I tripped on a curb and severely sprained my ankle. I sprained the same ankle last year and it never healed properly. I lay on the curb in agony, with my mail strewn across the street. Several cars drove by me—no one stopped. It occurred to me that people in my neighbourhood are wankers.  I called my brother(who lives fairly close by) and he came about 15 minutes later. In that time I managed to hobble across the street. He was appalled that no one stopped to help me. Saturday morning, I was to attend a boot camp class with a former trainer. I left her message. I am sure she thinks I'm a big fat liar.

 I spent most of Saturday unwashed, hair uncombed, foot elevated and iced, and cursing all of humanity. Sunday was much of the same. I wondered how I could exercise or go on dates with a swollen ankle and menacing limp? Today, I am in a better mood(partly because of a visit with a friend). It's only a sprained ankle. With care and attention, it will get be back to normal soon. My dates should be very interesting...

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