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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Only a few more days until I prance around the streets of Toronto half-naked

Dear lord. Its becoming real. No backing out now. I picked up my costume last night, looked at the bra and thought " this looks f**kin massive. Like two small children could so swimming in here". It sunk in that my breasts are that large. I went back to my friends place and we tried them on(pranced around and gyrated in them). She looked fantastic! I looked... I need to make some adjustments to the bra(needs more lift) and I may get slightly longer shorts.

We had a debate whether we should where skin tone panty-hose with our costumes. Months ago she was adamant about wearing them and I convinced her they look wack. I figure, if I am going to be half-naked, I may as well let it all hang out instead of trying to disguise it in flesh tone stockings. After discussing it with a parade veteran, she told me tights were needed if you have substantial thighs because at the end of the day there will be enough chaffing to start a forest fire. What to do? Should I wear tights when I hate the look of them? Or should let it all hang out and deal with the fire between my thighs?

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