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Monday, May 17, 2010

Business woman

Saturday was the launch for my greeting card company Sardonic Sentiments at Chasse Gardee. I was so nervous that I nearly sharded my pants... There was a pretty good turnout. I was worried about the reception the cards would receive. Not everyone understands or appreciates my brand of humour, but when I saw people opening cards, laughing hysterically and then showing  friends—I knew I was onto something. I got some great feedback and some gay/lesbian, gender neutral and more tame cards are on their way! I would love to hear from people who attended and get your feedback as well. What cards did you enjoy the most? What would you like to see that you felt was missing? Don't be shy!

I was so nervous because I never put myself out there. I am much more at home, hiding in the corner, only sharing with a select few. Now that I've stepped out of my nook, I'm not going back in...

P.S You guys will see the collection shortly.


  1. I'm really sorry I missed the launch; Daniela tells me your cards are hilarious and I'm dying to see them. I will have to stop by and check them out.

  2. I think you would like them very much. Going to post a couple today:)
