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Thursday, June 10, 2010

I knew this day would come

Just last week, I had a discussion with a friend about blogs and people who write hateful, anonymous  comments on them. I told her that I knew my day would soon come. I didn't expect this particular post would garner such a negative reaction (I have written much more offensive things). I understand that by writing this blog, I am putting myself out there and not everyone will like what I have to say.

I got the best piece of advice from a completely unexpected source once. It was dispensed by an overweight, American woman with a blond bouffant, frosty eye-shadow and blue pantsuit. To me, she was the epitome of American excess—too much hair, too much food, too much personality, too much patriotism— too much. I wasn't really enthused about listening and questioned whether she would have anything of value to say. I reined in my rash judgement of her and listened. She said to me " No matter how far you travel, you can't run from yourself". It blindsided me, because at the time I was running from myself and hadn't realized it. Sometimes the most poignant advice or revelation can come from a place neither welcomed or expected. Just listen...

Well you cant really run from yourself, there is no where to run, maybe you dont like yourself and so you kind of hide yourself from view. Maybe your another version of American excess, while the Jewish lady displays her excess more obviously , yours hidden behind your lack of self awareness, esteem and obsession.

Dear Anonymous,
I am glad you felt comfortable enough to comment behind your cloak of anonymity. Perhaps you should have read the post more thoroughly before commenting. If you did, you would have noticed that immediately after I judged her I "reined in my rash judgement". I admitted that it was preemptive. I was wrong for dismissing her because of her appearance. I guess you are a saint and have never made assumptions about someone based on appearance????? I was trying to impart that I was quick to judge, but got something of value from a person because I let go of my preconceived notions and listened.

I read my post repeatedly, searching for the part where I said she was Jewish??? Oh yeah, I didn't! You should examine your anti-semitism. Perhaps it is hidden in your subconscious, behind your copy of Mein Kampf and you, not I, need a good dose of self-awareness. To you Jewish= excess, too much food, too much personality,etc??

 So let me get this straight—my excess is having low self-esteem and lack of self-awareness? So having too little of something is excess? What exactly am I obessing over?  Everyone has elements that they find unappealing within themselves. What is more self-aware than acknowledging these things and trying to change them?

I was unaware that this blog is a vapid, black hole from which you cannot escape. If you find this blog unappealing, self-indulgent or boring...don't let the door hit you on the way out.


  1. Bravo Marlene!!!!!!! If people actually took the time to read they wouldn't be made out to look like fools.. This one over here cannot come back with a rebuttal to save his or her ass.. Roshambeau!

  2. Thanks babycakes! I have to admit it bothered me when I read it. I questioned this person's motive for writing it and I knew I had to comment because I felt that what they said was incorrect. I invited people to make anonymous comments but I also warned them of the verbal lambasting that would come if they said something I didn't like.
