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Sunday, June 13, 2010

Someone is gonna get a shank in their ribs

Troika:Do you date white men?
I adore and prefer to date black women, but it is hard to find intelligent and open
minded ones here in Toronto. Lots with attitude and little else.
Have a beautiful day,
Easternblocdouchebag start off with saying you prefer black women and then end with insulting us?

Troika:Thank you for your email.
It was just an observation. Sadly attitude is assumed to standard in for reasoned
argument, as in your case.(that sentence makes no sense)Hopefully you might prove me wrong that there are open minded and intelligent black women here in Toronto that do need to fall back on ABW syndrome.(Oh please massa can I???)Have a beautiful night,

Rhodesia:I don't have an attitude but when someone sends a message and insults my entire race of women, I can't help but be a little perturbed. Maybe you approach other black women in the same fashion. I have had many white men approach me looking for sex or in a manner that is not respectful. I don't go around making assumptions about your kind. I take each person at face value. Telling a woman you are interested in, that you find most of the women that look like her, in this city are not intelligent and have an attitude— not the best opening line.

Troika:Hi again,

Thanks for the email.
It seems you have quite a chip on your shoulder. If you read my email, I used the word "lots".(Oh, thanks for clearing that up. Silly me!)If some says that they have lots of money, does that mean that he has all the money that exists in the world and the rest of the world has none. (What in the who what? This guy is a fuckin flaming turd basket!)You seem to have a strange view of the world if that is the way you see the world. (Not wanting is be insulted is a strange view of the world?hmm.)I prefer to be more logical( yeah and I am the fuckin tooth fairy and eat peanut butter).Again, I was making an observation of the women that I have come across on here. In quite a few cases they have a right to have an attitude, sadly there are disproportionally more single mothers of young children, so life is not easy.(Thanks nightline, did you hear about the Easternblocdouche that got a shank in his ribs?)
Have a beautiful night(fuck off)

Rhodesia:HA! I don't have a chip on my shoulder. I am one of the most agreeable people that you will never have the pleasure of meeting. I don't have a strange view of the world. I have been to 28 countries and I am very open-minded person.I think you have hyper-sexualized black women and seek out stereotypical ones so you can feel superior to them. Thank-you for giving me disparaging stats on single mothers. I am not one and I was raised in a two parent home.Can you imagine sending a message to a blonde and saying " I love blondes, but most of you are dumb as fuck?" What do you think her response would be?
I bid you adieu and wish you good luck in your search... who am I kidding, no I don't.

Sorry for the negative posts over the past couple of days. For a long time I have been a person who keeps my thoughts to myself.  In many in situations where I should have spoken up, I remained silent. No more. I think sometimes I had the fear of coming across as the "angry black woman". No more being a fucking martyr! I hold things in— letting it fester until it explodes and people see the angry in me that they never knew existed. A few months ago, I wouldn't have responded to his message or the comment that was left the other day. You may wonder why I give these people the time of day? I'm making up for lost time. Lost insults. Biting my tongue. Swallowing my pride. Ahhhhh. It's kind of refreshing to let er' rip. I will try not to spend anymore time on posts like this. I must be sending out the wrong energy into the universe. Must. Center. Myself. OHM......


  1. I can't read your blue writing properly! Change the color please!!! I want the jokes too!

  2. Whoopsies! I changed the format. I will change it now.
