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Saturday, February 13, 2010

Oh my good gracious! Is it Valentine's day already?

Valentine's day is for wankers. A day to celebrate lovers and love...It's really a day for people who are in dreadful relationships trying desperately to find some semblance of the fire that was once there by purchasing cheap chocolate, tawdry lingerie and pretending they can stand one another. What about a day to celebrate celibacy and bitterness? What about all the lonesome people in the world who feel even more desolate on this dreadful day? I am not one of these people, for I am always in good company (MYSELF). You may think I don't enjoy this holiday because I am single. You would be wrong. I ignore it, just as I do Christmas and Easter (although I do enjoy Halloween). To those of you wankers who celebrate....Fuck off.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, lettin it all out there eh.. Valentines is that one day of the year where I personally feel like a pile of bones in a sack waiting to get kicked into a gorge where hungry alligators wait to tear open the sack..
    Therefore it's a blessed day.. This year however being in Italia is quite easy to just roll up on some Italian and say "eh you there fucking guy lets hang out" "Hang out" means what? Make out and never ever finish watching a movie.. I'd rather not waste my time.. I hear what you say Mar, I don't ignore it because it's a beacon to everyone that "YOUR ASS IS SINGLE" so "National Singles Awareness day" is to be celebrated equally.. Buy a cake or some crap that you find in the local corner store and sit at eat.. Detox the day after. Also rent a film where a single gal tries to find love and fails, Terminator 2 will do well.. Problem solved!
